Effective 6/15/2021

Hello students and families,

First of all, thank you for all your support throughout the pandemic. Together, we made it through this unforgettable event in our lifetimes! We are almost there!!!

This email is regarding upcoming changes for USAKFS. As California is moving forward reopening the state on June 15, we are excited to announce the return to normal studio operations! With this come several changes in terms of scheduling and training locations. These changes will be active on June 15th, 2021:

  • All classes will take place inside our studio at 1828 Park St. We will also hold a few weekend classes at Krusi Park, right behind the tennis courts. Please double check the updated schedule on the back of this page to verify your class times. (Due to grass maintenance, we are no longer able to train in Lincoln Park).
  • In our updated schedule, there are more classes available for most levels. We hope this will minimize the number of students per class. We will also be asking families to attend the amount of classes that is specified on their contract! Talk to instructors if you have questions or want to upgrade your membership.
  • We still have many students who have not come back to train yet. If your membership has expired after March 2020, and you haven’t shown up for classes since, you can still come and train! We will give you the class credits.

Our operations will be dictated according to the CDC guidelines. Since all of our instructors have been vaccinated, we encourage all parents and students 12 years old and up to do so as well. Let’s work together to provide a safe training environment! Please follow the rules listed below:

  All students and staff and parents must wear a face mask even if  they are fully vaccinated.

  • Instructional space must be set up so students are 3 feet apart.
  • Frequent hand washing and regular cleaning and disinfection.
  • A daily screening for possible symptoms (temperature check, etc.) must take place. This can be done at home by parents. We will also do temperature check before the class starts.
  • Students are required to report the cases of illness to USAKFS immediately so that we can intervene quickly and work with public health authorities to halt the spread of the virus.